Friday 9 September 2011


OK. I'm done with the design of the collision detection for all the objects in the game.
It took a while because I wanted to do it right so I don't have to go back some time and restructure the code.
This way I figured how to handle wall, player, bullets... etc collisions and still implement different behavior for each object if collision happens. The bad news is I have to restructure a code a bit but no biggie I intended to do that for the model loading part anyway.

So. I managed to restructure a code the way I like it. But the current level of mesh manipulation required to write some static model loader. So now all of the geometry is in the files which are being read at the start.
This way is easier to test and implement collision.

- Implemented Model loading object.
- Implemented Bounding boxes for use in collision.

Model loader still need work as it currently does not load multitextured objects.

Snapshot from the demonstrating bounding boxes on models.

 - Fixed the model output for different textures each.
 - Added player.

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