Long time past. So bunch of updates.
Ditched Ogre3d as dev platform. Decided on SDL
Build 0.0.2
Designed and implemented self replicating mechanism in form of blocks.
Blocks are added via right button after which they randomly replicate in every direction except the already occupied position. The red background is actually 64*48 grid of 10px blocks being rendered at the same time.
The Black block in the middle represents the player but is now only an x,y variable. No motion yet.
SDL render engine I built holds quite well getting at 7% of CPU at most.
Build 0.0.3
Added some placeholder background image and added more color to the blocks so I can see the active blocks. (The red ones are currently replicating) Blocks are also decreased in size and are now 5px w/h
Added the player and player movement including the bullets and shooting capability for the player.
Still no collision detection.
I had quite a bit bugs here as you can see. The bullet rendering mechanism has begun to show it's weakness as is unable to render the bullet at the correct speed without flickering and leaving ugly red trails on the screen. On the other hand due to some rendering engine tinkering the CPU now uses 2% at most. Still no collision detection.
The bullet needs to use dirty rectangling or double buffering. Considering the former is NES-age old technique double buffering it is!
Build 0.0.4
Changed the background to something more appropriate because I couldn't see shit on the other pic.
Added pictures for the block rendering and added collision detection.
Still had a problem with image not being refreshed and bullet not being erased from screen. God that bullet not being properly drawn/erased gave me nightmares.
Collision detection is not working as intended. Also if you are checking the collision for every pixel the bullet travels in the line; you're doing it wrong! It seems the CPU % jumps. High. Like fuck you loser I'm gonna stall and crash asshole.
I tried to override it by checking ever few pixels for a collision but as can be seen from It doesn't work.
Added a continuous shooting. (Which is BTW what caused the CPU% spikes.) No more one-click-one-bullet.
Build 0.0.5
Not much here. Some changes on the engine and rendering.
Added basic text support. Increased the size of the player and the blocks because I couldn't see the little fucker anymore. It all became blurry and...stuff. Anyways. Finally fixed the bullet flicker bug. It only took me 3 fucking minor builds!!. Still struggling with that fucking collision detection.
Build 0.1.5
Holy ... this the whole major version build. So what changed?
Firstly, the whole engine is rewritten in OpenGL. Yap that's right. No more SDL rendering. I left the thread and event SDL stuff in because they kick ass but the whole drawing stuff - openGL.
Now everything works as I intended. Even collision detection. Yeah, bullets now don't actually check if they hit something lol. Added basic gameplay and scoring system. Also if you get hit or fly into the blocks you die and is game over. One replicating block is added every 5 seconds after which the time delay goes shorter by 0.1 sec until it reaches 3 second after which it resets to 5 again. Added score also. 1 block 10 points.
That's it for now. Hopefully I will be back with another update soon. And for the stuff to expect? Well, we are going 3d.
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